Impact of the Omnibus Directive on Sellers in Polish E-commerce


The Omnibus Directive, introduced at the European Union level, marks a significant milestone in e-commerce regulation. In the context of the dynamic development of e-commerce and the digitization of the economy, unification and updating of regulations have become essential to create a consistent regulatory framework. The Omnibus Directive responds to these challenges by providing a comprehensive approach to regulating various aspects of e-commerce. Its main objective is to create a coherent and effective framework legislation that takes into account both the rights of consumers and the obligations of businesses in the area of e-commerce. § Impact of the Omnibus Directive on Sellers in Polish E-commerce.

Impact of the Omnibus Directive on Sellers in Polish E-commerce

The introduction of the Omnibus Directive has a huge impact on sellers operating in the Polish e-commerce market, changing the context of the legal environment in which they operate. Below we will discuss the key areas in which this directive affects e-commerce sellers in Poland:

Consumer Rights Protection

The Omnibus Directive introduces significant changes to the protection of consumer rights in e-commerce. Expanded consumer rights are designed to increase consumer confidence and trust when shopping online. One key element is the right to easy access to detailed information about products or services. Sellers must provide full and accurate descriptions of products, including their features, characteristics and technical parameters.

Another important aspect is the extended cancellation period of up to 14 days without giving a reason. This right gives customers more flexibility and confidence, allowing them to carefully examine the product after receiving it. In the event of cancellation, the seller must refund all payments received from the customer, including delivery costs.

In addition, the Omnibus Directive requires vendors to provide clear and transparent information on prices and fees. The final price, which is visible to the customer, must include any additional costs, such as delivery charges or taxes. This ensures that customers are not exposed to misunderstandings about hidden fees.

Adjustment of Terms of Sale

The introduction of the Omnibus Directive requires e-commerce sellers to adapt their terms of sale to the new regulations. They must ensure full transparency and availability of information regarding products or services. This includes accurate descriptions, specifications, technical parameters and information on the availability of goods. Sellers must also allow an easy and understandable ordering procedure and provide information on delivery costs and delivery times.

One important aspect is also the protection of customers' personal data. The Omnibus Directive introduces stricter requirements for the processing of personal data, which obliges vendors to use appropriate security measures to protect their customers' data from unauthorized access or disclosure. Compliance with these regulations is key to avoiding data protection violations and potential financial penalties.

Oversight of Internet Platforms

The Omnibus Directive makes online platforms more accountable for the content and activities of vendors operating on their platforms. Platforms must actively monitor the content and activities of their users to eliminate illegal content, products or illegal activities. Implementing effective control and regulation mechanisms is becoming a priority for platforms, which must ensure that their vendors' activities comply with the law.

One of the main aspects of oversight is preventing the sale of fake or dangerous products. Platforms must effectively identify and remove such products and monitor the activities of their sellers to ensure compliance with the law. In addition, platforms must take action in the event of violations, including suspending or terminating the accounts of sellers who fail to comply with regulations.

Adjusting Terms of Sale Polish e-commerce companies must adjust their terms and conditions.

Adapting Terms of Sale Polish e-commerce companies must adapt their terms of sale to the new directive's regulations. This includes ensuring transparency of information about products or services, the ordering process and delivery. Vendors must also pay special attention to customer data protection issues to meet the new security and privacy requirements. This means investing in the right tools and procedures to comply with these regulations.

Increased Accountability

The Omnibus Directive introduces significant changes to the liability of e-commerce sellers, imposing greater responsibilities and risks for malfunction or non-compliance. We will elaborate on the increased liability of e-commerce sellers below:

1. Necessity of ComplianceThe Omnibus Directive requires e-commerce sellers to operate in full compliance with online sales regulations. This means that they must adapt their practices to the new requirements regarding consumer protection, product information, delivery, returns and complaints. Failure to comply with these obligations can lead to legal violations and penalties.

2. Effective Customer ServiceE-commerce sellers must provide effective customer service, both in terms of orders and complaint handling. Customers need to feel confident that they can easily contact the vendor, get answers to questions and resolve any problems. Failure to provide adequate customer service can lead to negative reviews, loss of customers and loss of trust.

3. Timely Delivery and Realistic Lead TimesThe directive requires vendors to ensure timely delivery of ordered products. They must deliver the products within the agreed time or in accordance with the contract with the customer. Untimely delivery can lead to dissatisfied customers and the need for returns.

4. Data Security and PrivacyE-commerce sellers are now more responsible for the security and privacy of their customers' personal information. They must use appropriate security measures to protect data from unauthorized access or disclosure. In the event of a data breach, merchants are required to notify customers of the incident and take corrective action.

5. Effective Returns and Complaints ManagementVendors must effectively manage the returns and complaints process, ensuring that customers can file complaints and return goods in accordance with regulations. They must process complaints in a timely manner and provide customers with appropriate solutions, such as refunds or product replacements.


In summary, the Omnibus Directive introduces significant changes to e-commerce regulations that are designed to increase consumer protection and improve e-commerce standards. E-commerce sellers in Poland must be prepared to comply with the new regulations, which requires investment in adjusting procedures, ensuring legal compliance and providing excellent customer service. Compliance with the Omnibus Directive is not only a legal obligation, but also an opportunity to increase customer confidence and succeed in a dynamic e-commerce environment. At the same time, retailers need to be aware of possible changes in the regulations and adapt their operations to the new guidelines in order to maintain their competitiveness in the market. It is also worth noting that these changes are a step towards a more sustainable and secure e-commerce environment, which can benefit both customers and businesses in the industry.

§ Impact of the Omnibus Directive on Sellers in Polish E-commerce