New rules on remote work - the most important aspects. When the employee will receive additional cash benefits from the employer? Demand to return to stationary work - is it allowed?
New rules on remote work - the most important aspects. When the employee will receive additional cash benefits from the employer? Demand to return to stationary work - is it allowed?

New rules on remote work - the most important aspects. When the employee will receive additional cash benefits from the employer? Demand to return to stationary work - is it allowed?
The government's bill to amend the Labor Code and certain other laws, aimed at implementing into Polish legislation the solutions provided for in EU directives, may significantly affect employees' rights and, correlating with them, employers' obligations.
The government's bill to amend the Labor Code and certain other laws, aimed at implementing into Polish legislation the solutions provided for in EU directives, may significantly affect employees' rights and, correlating with them, employers' obligations.

The government's bill to amend the Labor Code and certain other laws, aimed at implementing into Polish legislation the solutions provided for in EU directives, may significantly affect employees' rights and, correlating with them, employers' obligations.